With the season of asparagus, spring also arrives. True fans take advantage of the short period when fresh asparagus is available and make sure to sneak it into every single meal.

We completely understand because we love it too! This is why we recommend our chef’s offer, asparagus with gambaretti – you simply HAVE TO try it!

The chef’s offer

Asparagus cream soup, gamberetti

2190 Ft

Chicken supreme, gorgonzola sauce, cauliflower purée

5590 Ft

Crispy breaded pork tenderloin, spicy greek yogurt, season salad

5890 Ft

Rosé duck breast, asparagus risotto

6490 Ft

Grilled trout, salty peanut sauce, season salad

6190 Ft

Budapest style beef tenderloin steak with duck liver ragout, spicy potato wedges

200 gramm 7990 Ft,

250 gramm 8990 Ft

2023 Fiktív Gasztró Galéria